November 2022 - Aussie Pineapples

November 2022

Evaluation of different methodologies to manage soil erosion
The pineapple industry is located in the coastal areas across Queensland for its warm climate, well-drained soils and limited exposure to cold winters and frost. There are a number of risks associated to these coastal regions due to their close...
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Evaluation of post induction fertiliser applications in hybrid pineapple production
The Australian pineapple industry has been growing the Smooth Cayenne variety for over one hundred years. It has been the traditional variety for processing and the fresh market. In the 1980s a hybrid variety known as 73-50 was introduced from...
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Evaluating new herbicides to replace Diuron
The Australian pineapple industry has struggled with weed infestations throughout its history. During this time there have been key herbicides that have controlled weed populations effectively. Diuron is one of these and plays an important role.
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Evaluate the benefits of different fumigation products on pineapple plant crops in South East and North Queensland
Soil fumigation is often used where high-value agricultural and horticultural crops are grown in long-term monoculture. Soil fumigants provide benefits to growers in managing a wide range of pests and diseases, including nematodes, fungi, bacteria, insects, and weeds.
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