Industry Research & Development

The Australian pineapple industry invests in research and development programs that support industry growth and prosperity. All commercial pineapple growers contribute funds towards R&D through the national statutory levy.

Hort Innovation manages these funds which are invested in projects addressing the industry’s strategic priorities. The Australian Government also provides additional funding for R&D through Hort Innovation. Information about the pineapple levy-funded R&D program can be accessed via the Hort Innovation website.

Pineapple industry development and extension project (PI22000)

Project lead: Queensland Department of Primary Industries
Status: Ongoing (2023 - 2027)

This investment is tasked with supporting pineapple growers in adopting improved practices on-farm and keeping up to date with the latest industry news, information, resources, and technologies.

The overarching goal is to secure the long-term sustainability and prosperity of the pineapple industry by enabling it to adapt to changing circumstances and leverage new opportunities. This approach aims to empower the industry, encourage continuous improvement, and facilitate the implementation of research outcomes to generate tangible benefits and drive meaningful progress.

The project team will employ various strategies to encourage adoption, including regional study group meetings, technical content of the 'Pineapple Industry Field Day', project trials, and effective communication through the Pineapple Press newsletter and a dedicated project website.

The project team will also gather industry production data annually and provide a platform for nurturing future pineapple industry leaders through a Think Tank group focusing on addressing long-term industry issues.

  • The inaugural 'Think Tank' for the Australian pineapple industry took place at the Maroochy Research Facility on 5-6 October 2023.

    The event served as a platform for meaningful discussions between growers and a broad spectrum of industry stakeholders - industry leaders, packers, marketers, and processors. Under the guidance of growers and with facilitation from the DPI pineapple extension team, the primary focus of the ‘Think Tank’ was to identify, discuss, and prioritise the issues and challenges that the pineapple industry currently faces.

    2023 Pineapple Think Tank Summary Report

  • Following the Think Tank in October 2023, regional study groups were held throughout the state to discuss the unique regional priorities.

    These regional priorities, endorsed by Australian Pineapples, led to the design of on-farm grower facilitated trials.

    Regional Priorities - North Queensland

    Regional Priorities - Central Queensland

    Regional Priorities - Wide Bay

    Regional Priorities - South East Queensland

Pineapple integrated crop protection program (PI17001)

Project lead: Queensland Department of Primary Industries
Status: Complete (2018 - 2023)

From 2018 to 2023, this investment brought information on integrated crop protection to Australian pineapple growers, to help the industry achieve higher yields while producing high-quality fruit with lower production costs and a reduction in the use of pesticides.

Activities included integrated crop protection workshops; updating of the industry’s best practice manual; production of materials including videos and fact sheets; the use of on-farm demonstration sites; and research into pineapple plant nutrition and pest and disease management. The project also delivered the quarterly industry Pineapple Press e-newsletter, a website and annual industry field days.